Sherry Week 6-12 November 2023 2023 marks a major anniversary for International Sherry Week. The largest celebration of these unique wines from southern Spain started in 2014, and over the ten years since, it has grown into a major global occasion.
Over 18,000 tastings, pairings and other Sherry-themed events have been enjoyed by more than half a million participants in 40 countries*. Sherry Week is organised under the auspices of the D.O. of Sherry Wines and Manzanilla. Sherry-lovers will delve more deeply into the delights of Sherry, how and where it is made, in the recently redefined Sherry production area, and which types of Sherry pair best with which foods. As always, a broad selection of international events, from introductory tastings for the uninitiated, to musical, cinematic and literary-themed events, and of course tours of the bodegas themselves in the Jerez region. Sherry World Tour: routes and pop-ups ICEX ha organizado una mesa redonda en Barcelona Wine Week para destacar la creciente proyección internacional de este distintivo en la restauración española en el mundo, que ya cuenta con 260 referencias de calidad.
La periodista y sumiller Charlotte Hey ha moderado el debate con algunos de los embajadores de la cocina española en Londres, como son los célebres chefs José Pizarro y Nacho Manzano, así como los sumilleres de nuestras mejores cartas de vino. Spain, we think, is one of today's most exciting winemaking countries and Toro is at the heart of innovations.
D.O. Toro is famed for it's inky black, richly textured red wines made from the indigenous Tinta de Toro grape variety - a unique expression of Tempranillo. The producers from this region are fortunate to be able to create outstanding quality wines, that are full bodied with enormous ageing potential and from a unique terroir. D.O. Toro first ever Showcase Tasting & Masterclass There will be 20 selected wineries showing their best wines, offering different wine profiles expressed by all the geographical subzones of the area (Tierra del Vino; Valle del Guareña; Tierra de Toro; Tierra del Pan & Tierra de Campos). Join us to discover these modern wines that descend from the vines Christopher Columbus took on his travels to the Americas.For the first time the D.O. Toro will bring a selection of it's top wines to the UK for a trade and press tasting to take place in London on Tuesday 7 March, 2023. Gran Vino Rueda: a new classification focused on the fine dining sector adding prestige and value to the DO Rueda’s wines thanks to the Regulatory Council’s rigorous quality controls.Three chef and sommelier teams have been chosen to attend the UK Final for Copa Jerez in London later this month.Things are hotting up in preparation for this year’s Copa Jerez UK finals - Sherry’s number one culinary competition - as the judges are announced.
Press release ¦ Client news London, 28 February 2019 – The DO Rueda hosted its first tasting of the new release 2018 wines in London this week to highlight the quality and increased popularity of the wines in the UK market.
Following an outstanding year for exports to the UK from the region, the DO Rueda plans to up its promotional efforts in this market. In the 12 months to the end of 2017 sales of Rueda wines rose by 42+%, year on year, according to official statistics from the Consejo Regulador. Press release: Immediate 27 February, 2019 ¦ Client News NEW YORK, NY (27th February, 2019) – New York icon Sarah Jessica Parker is loved worldwide for her acting, perfumes and her wildly successful shoes; now she’s gearing up to stomp on grapes and release her own wine range. The wine will be created with Invivo Wines, in what SJP describes as a collaborative process. This new Sarah Jessica Parker and Invivo wine will be launched this summer; the first two wines will be a Sauvignon Blanc and Rosé. “I am a true wine lover and I love including wine in family dinners and occasions with friends so this is a very exciting and fun project for me. I'm so looking forward to every single stage of the creation process,” explains Sarah Jessica Parker. “I intend to be very hands-on throughout, as I am with all my endeavors, and could not be partnering with a better brand than Invivo.” Press release ¦ Client news THE INTERNATIONAL GASTRONOMY EVENT: COPA JEREZ FORUM & COMPETITION |